Puerto Rico Economic Pulse ©

February 2002: The Health Care Reform: Towards a Reality Check

An Analysis and Evaluation of the Challenges it Faces

High quality health care is an important element of international competitiveness and economic well being. Dissatisfaction with existing health care systems has led to a worldwide movement for reform, and Puerto Rico has been no exception. However, managed care is no panacea. It is an experiment in progress, whose results must be judged carefully. Like other economies, Puerto Rico has been facing the urgent need to control costs of its health care system at a time when demand for health care services is rising. The answer to such a challenge has been the Health Care Reform Plan, established by the Government of Puerto Rico in 1993. Today, the Reform Plan faces a critical financial situation. Find out what the situation is, what are its perspectives, and what changes are needed to make it more feasible long-term.