Puerto Rico Compass ©

Q4 2015: No End Yet for PR’s Fiscal Crisis

How this impacts 4Q-2015 economic indicators

Several bold events occurred this quarter in Puerto Rico and the US. In October, the US Department of Treasury presented a Roadmap for Congressional Action, suggesting key measures to deal with PR’s fiscal crisis. At the end of the year and after several public hearings, Congress could not reach an agreement regarding Chapter 9, a federal fiscal control board, Medicaid funds parity for PR or other lifesavers such as the Earned Income Tax Credit or a Child Tax Credit for Puerto Rican households. Locally, the administration was dealing with liquidity strains and submitted several proposals to solve the problem. However, it appears that without federal assistance, the internal actions will fall short. The net effect of this situation is widespread pessimism and uncertainty. This current issue analyzes how these events have impacted economic indicators during 4Q 2015 and what to expect in the near future.